Our partners:



A good balance of sugar/acid, a soft, juicy texture and very pronounced flavours.
Depuis 2018 nous sélectionnons uniquement des variétés autofertiles.
Bacteriosis, Sharka, Apricot chlorotic leafroll, Xanthomonas, Monilia, etc.
Extend our variety calendar; from early May to the end of August
Self-fertility, productivity and regularity of production, easy management, fruit's resistance to shocks (processing machine, harvest) and climatic risks (wind, rain).
The climatic changes that were foreshadowed several years ago oblige us to be stricter in the selection of our varieties to guarantee growers with an abundant harvest every year.
Varieties with lower need for cold in hot countries or hardy varieties for cold countries.
Consumers essentially buy with their eyes, and we select orange apricots with a bright red "blush" present on 30 to 50% of the surface of the fruit.
There is a new range of completely red apricots which are of increasing interest to fruit farmers.
Apricots with white flesh have an excellent quality of taste. We are trying to develop a "VANILLA COT®" range within one month to one and a half months.
Size 2A is the most requested on the market. We do however try to select varieties presenting great potential in size and production in order to limit thinning out and therefore production costs, and obtain the maximum 2A tonnage.
For the handling and conservation of the fruit


We work with the American breeder SMS UNLIMITED which is based in California. For this reason, we offer predominantly early and very early varieties.
Fruit of a large size, firm, with an excellent eating quality
Tolerance to cracking
Easy tree management; quick production of fruit; regular production every year; variety easy to pollinate or even self-fertile.


This is our main criteria: it needs to have sweet, flavourful flesh, and a non-acidic skin.
Avec notre programme d’hybridations nous pourrons vous proposer dans un futur proche des variétés à chair rouge et à chair jaune.
Easy tree management, in very good health and tolerant to the main diseases such as Apricot chlorotic leafroll, Pseudomonas and Xanthomonas.
Firmness and long conservation
A minimum size of 55-60 with reds especially, with red flesh

japanese-american plum

Our partners:
To obtain these varieties, we have our own breeding program and we work with the following breeders: SMS UNLIMITED (USA), NEVIS (NZ) and Christian de Regibus (Switzerland, for late-harvest varieties).



» Introduction of varieties and obligatory time spent in the Quarantine Station: after a prior request to the services concerned, the breeder sends the grafts directly to the Ligneux Quarantine Station, which examines them upon arrival, grafts them and analyses them for over a year before returning the plants to us.

» Planting in our experimental orchard: with two trees per variety.

» Monitoring of one or several varieties: the varieties are studied according to the different criteria mentioned above in order to select the best one.

» Large scale plantation: after selection, a commercial orchard is planted, to test the true agronomic aptitudes, meaning that we are able to offer our future fruit-farming clients a “User Guide” for each variety. This demonstration orchard also allows us to welcome visitors who wish to see the trees in real farm conditions.

» Simultaneous plantation in the experimental stations: 3 trees per variety.

» Simultaneous plantation by our privileged clients: 3 trees per variety.


» Monitoring flowering: date, abundance of flowers, floral anomalies, fruit setting, thinning out.

» Type of tree: bearing and strength of the tree, fructification supports, factors that determine fast production or not.

» Monitoring ripening: date, production, harvest of fruits.

» Analysing fruits in the lab: % in first category, % by size, firmness, sugar level.

» Tasting Club: We regularly send samples throughout the season to fruit buyers, to have a "market opinion". We also receive visitors every day who fill in a questionnaire and give us their opinions.

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New varieties

Download our new varieties

Picto Download Pt PlayaCot
Picto Download Pt FeriaCot