Our partners:

White apricots

We are working on a range of apricots with white flesh: historically, it is a category of apricot which has existed for a long time and which is very much appreciated for its exceptional quality of taste: a level of sugar reaching or even exceeding 20° Brix; very pronounced flavours. Unfortunately, these apricots had the disadvantage of being unattractive and deteriorating very quickly. Because of this, they have never made it commercially.

Thanks to significant improvement work from our American partner, we have been able to select several promising varieties, particularly VANILLA COT® Select 98 which presents a colourful aspect with a pretty red blush and improved firmness.

Our other varieties:

Very early apricots Early apricots Semi Late apricots Mid-season apricots Cherries Plums Late apricots Red Apricots Flat Apricots